SAPIE Activities

Our activities spanning multiple domains and serving clients from startup to corporates boost the innovation economy by various means such as organizing roundtable discussions, events and conferences, drafting policy recommendations, joing letters, running expert workshops or providing tailored consulting. 


Our key projects aim to strengthen policy advocacy, build networks and connect key stakeholders, policymakers and business representatives within the specific topics. These include implementation of AI in SMEs, digitalization of SMEs in Slovakia and CEE region, supporting a favourable environment for startups, innovations in the health sector or supporting predictable and pro-innovative regulatory policies.

League for Digital Boost

The League for Digital Boost grew as a spin-off of SAPIE and aspires to support digitalisation of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), thus securing their survival, sustainability and growth on the market. The League is structured into four major pillars: digital resilience - cybersecurity; digital skills; cloud & data; e-commerce.

More about League for Digital Boost

Innovate Slovakia

Innovate Slovakia’s mission is to collect and provide reliable data on the innovation ecosystem of Slovakia. By collecting data on startups, scaleups, investors, accelerators and investment rounds, it helps entrepreneurs orient themselves in this environment. Moreover, it showcases the potential of Slovakia as the birthplace of many successful companies.

More about Innovate Slovakia 


Hopero is a European Digital Innovation Hub, connecting and helping companies and public organizations in their digital development through training and independent expert advice on the use of artificial intelligence and its funding. Hopero helps its clients prepare for AI adoption, implement AI use-cases in processes and products, find funding opportunities from both private and public sources and connect within the digital ecosystem of Slovakia through networking events.

More about Hopero 


Digivitality is new international project, focused on digitalization of the healthcare industry within the CEE region. It is taking advantage of the similarities of CEE countries in terms of innovation ecosystem maturity, market and regulatory environments. Project will establish a transnational space for joint learning and knowledge sharing. Part of its mission is to scout and accelerate selected startups with digital healthcare solutions. Moreover, it will formulate action steps to improve the regulatory framework in order to speed up adoption of digital solutions within the healthcare system.

More about Digivitality 


 SAPIE is watching closely evolving digital policies and regulations long-term. Currently, there is an ongoing discussion process between the European Commission, Parliament and EU Council on the regulation on AI, called the AI Act. The AI Act represents a complex regulatory framework for AI proposed by the European Commission in April 2021.

More about AI Act 


Throughout the year we organize our own regular events, but we are also an active partner and participate in selected events that reflect current trends and topics. Our mission is to inspire participants, expand their knowledge or create a space for networking. We organized 50+ events per year.


SAPIE Forum is our flagship event. It brings together high level representatives from governments, business, NGOs and third sector coming from the CEE region and beyond. The mission is to open crucial topics connected with innovation and generate new ideas for the future development of economics. Look at video from the first edition of SAPIE Forum 2023.

​More about SAPIE Forum​

Meet & Learn

Our own platform for Member-to-Member Excellence! Embrace the power of shared knowledge and networking with Meet & Learn, our educational and networking program for members. We organized inspiriting 30+ sessions for our members.

More about Meet & Learn 


For our members, we organize an informal event called Chatovačka. The event is held at the cottage in a very informal atmosphere, where our members can share their success, and news and mainly rest from daily work duties. 

​Loot at our last event​ 

Past projects we were involved in

Vráť sa

Together with LEAFF we created an ultimate resource for repatriating back to the Slovak Republic for Slovaks living abroad.


We embarked on a mission to make the upcoming 

Digital Services and Digital Markets Act friendly and compliant for our members, but also for the key CEE and EU stakeholders. Our main objective was to bring the voice of innovative companies and startups to EU policy makers with the goal of co-creating rules which empower them.


At SAPIE, were expanded the OpenLab training program, built on the principles of open source and democratic society. Students develop hybrid applications and games while working on real-world projects with companies.

Together with the Pontis Foundation, we launched the project This is 21! Through their personal experiences, these leaders highlight the skills necessary for the 21st century.

Innovation Map Slovakia

The Innovation Map Slovakia provides a comprehensive overview of the key players fostering an innovation-friendly environment in Slovakia. Explore the Slovakia Innovation Ecosystem

Digital Single Market

We fought for your rights in Strasbourg, where we discussed the copyright reform, one of the most controversial proposals of the Digital Single Market.

Startup Strategy for Slovakia

The Government approved Startup Strategy for Slovakia - simplified joint stock company introduced.

Foreign Innovation Mission

Our the first foreign innovation mission to the United States with president Kiska.