
We connect and represent more than 180 innovative companies in Slovakia. SAPIE membership offers you various benefits, including  opportunities for networking with people from innovative companies, inspiration from fellow members during our events, and participation in our projects.

Why become a member

Business networking

As a member of SAPIE, you will get the opportunity to meet and discuss with the most innovative players in the Slovak economy during our various events.

Involvement in our projects

Grow your business and expand your outreach by participating on our projects as a beneficiary or delivery partner.

Foreign mission

Our innovative foreign missions offer you the opportunity to exchange experiences with similar companies abroad or to gain useful contacts for international expansion.

Legislation process

You have opportunities to influence the legislative processes that affect your business.

2 300+
participants at events 
per year
events per year



As a regular member, you will have a wide range of opportunities to actively participate in our activities, which focus on improving the business environment. You will have full access to various events in Slovakia and abroad.

Look at our members

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Associated members

Associated members have limited access to our network activities. You will have access to some events in Slovakia and abroad.

Look at our members

Become a member

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